
investors interested?

it's not really that difficult, you know?

frustrated founder looking off in thought
Here’s the free advice! You need to learn to tell your startup’s story better – in a way it connects and resonates with your prospective investors. That’s it! It’s just that simple!
a startup founder looking in disbelief

But here's the real problem

Almost 99% of early-stage startup founders who finally get the chance to present or engage with investors fail to impress them.

After all the hard work they put in – to start their business, develop their products, employ people, plan every last bit, they still fail.

Why? It sounds very perplexing, but the answer is quite simple.

They didn’t invest time and effort to effectively communicate their startup’s essence, to craft a compelling story that resonates with potential investors.

It’s not just about having a great product or a promising business plan; it’s also about conveying your passion, vision, and the value your company brings to the table. Sadly, many founders focus so intensely on building the foundation of their businesses that they overlook the critical step of crafting their narrative in a way that will impress investors.

and yet, it's not too late...

After 13 years, sitting through 1000s of pitches, interviewing and working with 100s of start founders, we have a solution. For you.

Below, you’ll see three options in front you. 

Each of those paths lead to your funding success. There’s no right or wrong path; but some are just faster than others at getting you where you want to be. 

So, it’s just the matter of choosing your path.

a startup founder looking curiously at the camera



Rs. 2499


Rs. 6499
Rs. 3499


Rs. 9999
Rs. 6499

What is
Funding Pitchcraft?


  • Transform ideas into winning investor pitches.
  • Tailored coaching for startup success.
  • Expert guidance from Ravi Warrier.
  • Boost confidence, craft compelling stories.
  • Your ally in the entrepreneurial journey.

Funding Pitchcraft is your personal coach in the challenging world of startups. Think of us as your trusted partner, helping you turn your big ideas into impressive pitches that investors can’t ignore. We know that getting investors to believe in your dream can be tough. That’s why we’re here to equip you with the right tools and strategies. Our focus is on your success – whether it’s crafting a story that investors will love, boosting your confidence for that big meeting, or giving you the insider tips on what investors are really looking for.

We’re not just about giving advice; we’re about creating results. At Funding Pitchcraft, we understand that every founder’s journey is unique. That’s why our approach is tailored to fit your specific needs. We’re here to help you navigate the ups and downs of startup life, making sure you’re prepared for every pitch and every investor meeting. With us, you’re not just getting coaching; you’re gaining a long-term ally in your entrepreneurial journey. Let’s work together to transform your startup story into a journey of success.

Founded by Ravi Warrier, a seasoned entrepreneur and mentor, Funding Pitchcraft is built on a foundation of real-world experience and success. Ravi brings over 30 years of expertise in guiding startups, combining deep industry knowledge with a passion for helping founders like you succeed. His leadership ensures that Funding Pitchcraft isn’t just another consulting firm; it’s a place where your startup dreams get the expert backing they deserve.

crack the pitching code?

the only program that goes beyond just making a good deck


  • Understand and overcome investor pitch challenges.
  • Gain real, proven startup success strategies.
  • Learn investor thinking to align pitches.
  • Craft compelling, sellable startup stories.
  • Master the art of persuasive pitching.
  • Comprehensive solutions: books to advanced toolkits.

Understanding Your Challenges: We know how tough it can be to get investors excited about your startup. You’ve got a great idea, but explaining it in a way that gets investors on board? That’s a whole different game. You might feel like you’re hitting a wall, not knowing how to make them see what you see.

Experience and Expertise at Your Service: Impress Every Investor is more than just a book or a set of tools; it’s a treasure chest of knowledge, built from years of helping startups like yours succeed. We’ve seen it all and know exactly what works and what doesn’t. This means you get real, tried-and-tested advice, not just theories.

Think Like Investors: Ever wonder what goes on in an investor’s mind? We’ll show you how they think and what they’re looking for. This insight is like having a secret key that unlocks their interest. You’ll learn to align your pitch with their expectations, making them see the potential in your idea just like you do.

Craft a Story That Sells: Your startup’s story is powerful. But are you telling it right? We guide you step-by-step to turn your vision into a story that not only tells but sells. It’s about creating a connection with your audience, making them feel the excitement and potential of your idea.

Master Persuasion: Persuading someone isn’t just about talking; it’s an art. And this art can turn your pitch from okay to outstanding. We’ll show you how to use your words to create a magnetic pull, drawing investors towards your vision. It’s about making every meeting count, moving you closer to your funding goal.

All-in-One Solution: Whether it’s the book for foundational knowledge or the toolkits for advanced strategies, Impress Every Investor has you covered. We’re here to guide you through every step of your journey, ensuring you’re equipped to make a lasting impression on every investor you meet.

start small.

join the 2-hour talk covering the basics

or, smaller.
download a free chapter

Chapter 1 : Types of Investors and Why It Should Matter to You

Explore the intricate world of investor types with a sneak peek of Chapter 1 from “Impress Every Investor.” This chapter lays the foundation for understanding the diverse investor landscape, offering insights into why customizing your pitch for each investor type is crucial for your success. Learn to navigate these waters with precision, setting the stage for more impactful and resonant pitches.

But, bigger is always better, isn't it?

CTPC growth plan

This course + toolkit is for those eager to kickstart their pitch journey. Here’s what you’ll get better at:

ctpc excellence plan

This toolkit is for those committed to mastering the art of investor engagement. Here’s what you’ll get:

Have questions?

That’s good. It’s great to have questions, seek clarity, and engage in meaningful conversations. We encourage you to reach out to us anytime you have a query, need assistance, or simply want to connect. Our dedicated support team is here to help! Feel free to click the button ⬇️, or drop us an email at [email protected]. Additionally, you can connect with us on various social media platforms through the options listed in the footer below. We’re always eager to assist you on your journey to impress every investor and achieve your startup goals.