
Join our 2-hour introductory talk, “Crack the Pitching Code,” and learn the essentials of pitching successfully to any investor. 

This session covers key topics like understanding the investor mindset, building a strong value proposition, and creating a compelling pitch. Perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs, you’ll get a high-level overview of what it takes to impress investors and secure funding for your startup. 

Don’t miss this chance to gain valuable insights and get a head start on your journey to success!

4th July, 2024



Instructed by:

Ravi Warrier
Founder of Funding Pitchcraft
(12+ years of helping startup founders make better impressions)

crack the pitching code product image

Who is this crash course for?

Startup Founders

Business Owners

What will you learn?

Unlock the secrets to thinking like an investor! In this module, you will discover how to see your startup from an investor’s perspective, which is key to making your pitch stand out. You’ll learn:

  • Understanding Investor Psychology: Learn what drives investors, their priorities, and how they make decisions.
  • Aligning Your Vision with Investor Goals: Discover how to tailor your pitch to match what investors are looking for.
  • Building Confidence: Develop the confidence to speak the investor’s language and engage them effectively.
  • Identifying Key Investor Types: Understand the different types of investors (angel investors, venture capitalists, etc.) and what each one values most.
  • Recognizing Investment Criteria: Learn about the critical factors that investors evaluate when considering a startup.

By empathizing the investor mindset, you’ll be able to:

  • Think Like an Investor: Anticipate their questions and concerns, making you better prepared for meetings.
  • Create More Compelling Pitches: Craft your story to highlight what investors care about.
  • Increase Your Chances of Funding: Approach investors with a strategy that resonates with them, increasing your odds of securing investment.

Discover the key traits that make investors excited to fund your startup! In this module, you’ll uncover the essential characteristics that investors look for in founders and learn how to embody these qualities in your pitch. You’ll explore:

  • Key Traits for Success: Understand the critical characteristics that can make or break your chances with investors.
  • Building a Strong Personal Profile: Learn how to present yourself in a way that highlights your strengths and appeals to investors.
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Identify the red flags and dealbreakers that can turn investors away.
  • Crafting a Compelling Narrative: Develop a personal story that showcases your best qualities and aligns with investor expectations.
  • Boosting Your Appeal: Gain insights into how to improve your presence and confidence when interacting with investors.

By understanding the 3 Cs, you’ll be able to:

  • Present Yourself Effectively: Highlight the traits that investors value most.
  • Enhance Your Pitch: Incorporate these key characteristics into your pitch to make it more compelling.
  • Increase Investor Confidence: Build trust and credibility with potential investors.

Learn how to create a compelling value proposition that goes beyond just your product or service! In this module, you’ll discover the true essence of a value proposition and why it’s critical for attracting investors. You’ll explore:

  • Defining Value: Understand what a value proposition really is and why it matters to investors.
  • Identifying Unique Benefits: Learn how to pinpoint the unique benefits your startup offers beyond the product or service itself.
  • Addressing Investor Needs: Discover how to align your value proposition with what investors are looking for.
  • Crafting a Clear and Persuasive Message: Develop a concise and powerful statement that communicates your value effectively.
  • Examples of Successful Value Propositions: Study real-world examples to see how successful startups have created strong value propositions.

By mastering the art of building a strong value proposition, you’ll be able to:

  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Differentiate your startup in a crowded market.
  • Connect with Investors: Speak directly to what investors care about most.
  • Strengthen Your Pitch: Make your pitch more compelling by clearly articulating your unique value.

Discover how to address and minimize risks to make your startup more attractive to investors! In this module, you’ll learn how to identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them, making it easier for investors to feel confident in your business. You’ll explore:

  • Understanding Investor Concerns: Learn about the common risks that investors worry about and why.
  • Identifying Potential Risks: Discover how to assess and identify the specific risks your startup might face.
  • Developing Mitigation Strategies: Learn how to create effective plans to address and reduce these risks.
  • Communicating Your Plan: Understand how to present your risk mitigation strategies clearly and convincingly to investors.
  • Building Investor Trust: Gain insights into how demonstrating your preparedness can build confidence and trust with potential investors.

By mastering risk mitigation, you’ll be able to:

  • Show Preparedness: Demonstrate to investors that you have a clear understanding of potential risks and how to handle them.
  • Increase Investor Confidence: Make investors feel more secure and confident in their decision to fund your startup.
  • Strengthen Your Pitch: Enhance your pitch by addressing risks head-on and showcasing your proactive approach.

Unlock the secrets to crafting and presenting a pitch that captivates investors! In this module, you’ll learn the essential elements of a winning pitch and how to deliver it with confidence and impact. You’ll explore:

  • Crafting a Clear Narrative: Learn how to structure your pitch to tell a compelling and coherent story.
  • Key Elements of a Winning Pitch: Discover the crucial components that make a pitch stand out, from the problem statement to the solution and beyond.
  • Engaging Your Audience: Gain techniques for capturing and maintaining investor attention throughout your presentation.
  • Presentation Skills: Develop the skills needed to deliver your pitch confidently and professionally.
  • Handling Nerves: Learn strategies to manage anxiety and present with poise under pressure.
  • Utilizing Visual Aids: Understand how to effectively use slides and other visual aids to enhance your pitch.

By mastering the secrets of creating and delivering a compelling pitch, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a Powerful Pitch: Develop a pitch that clearly communicates your vision and value proposition.
  • Engage and Persuade Investors: Use storytelling and presentation techniques to capture investor interest and persuade them to invest.
  • Present with Confidence: Deliver your pitch with confidence and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on investors.

Practice the art of presenting your financials and key metrics to impress investors! In this module, you’ll learn how to effectively communicate the financial health and potential of your startup. You’ll explore:

  • Understanding Key Financial Metrics: Learn about the critical financial metrics that investors care about, such as revenue, profit margins, and cash flow.
  • Presenting Financial Projections: Discover how to create and present realistic financial projections that demonstrate your startup’s potential for growth.
  • Telling Your Financial Story: Learn how to weave your financials into a compelling narrative that supports your overall pitch.
  • Using Visual Aids: Understand how to use charts, graphs, and other visual aids to make your financial data easy to understand and impactful.
  • Addressing Financial Questions: Prepare for common financial questions from investors and learn how to answer them confidently.

By mastering the art of showcasing financials and metrics, you’ll be able to:

  • Demonstrate Financial Health: Clearly show investors the current financial status and future potential of your startup.
  • Build Credibility: Present accurate and realistic financial data that builds trust with investors.
  • Strengthen Your Pitch: Use financials and metrics to reinforce your value proposition and overall pitch.

Prepare to tackle investor questions with confidence and poise! In this module, you’ll learn how to effectively handle the Q&A session that follows your pitch, ensuring you leave a lasting positive impression. You’ll explore:

  • Understanding Common Investor Questions: Learn about the typical questions investors ask and why they ask them.
  • Developing Thoughtful Responses: Discover strategies for crafting clear and insightful answers that address investor concerns.
  • Staying Calm Under Pressure: Gain techniques for managing stress and maintaining composure during the Q&A session.
  • Effective Communication: Learn how to communicate your answers confidently and succinctly.
  • Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Understand how to use difficult questions to highlight your strengths and reinforce your pitch.

By mastering the art of handling Q&A with confidence, you’ll be able to:

  • Build Investor Trust: Demonstrate your knowledge and preparedness by answering questions confidently.
  • Reinforce Your Pitch: Use the Q&A session to clarify and strengthen key points of your pitch.
  • Navigate Difficult Questions: Handle challenging questions with poise and turn them into opportunities to showcase your startup’s potential.

Don't lose your seat by waiting too long to register

We usually have room for only 25 people to make sure everyone gets a chance to participate and learn a lot.

This limit helps us give each participant more attention and a better learning experience. If you’re really interested, make sure to register quickly so you don’t miss out.

Once we reach 25 sign-ups, we may have to close registration, and we don’t want you to miss this opportunity to improve your pitching skills and make your ideas shine!

Meet Your Instructor

Ravi Warrier conducting a training on pitching to investors

Ravi Warrier

Hi, I’m Ravi Warrier, My journey began in 1995 when I launched my first business at 17. Since then, my career has spanned over 30 years, filled with roles as a trainer, consultant, and coach. 

Why do people act the way they do? How can we align with their desires and needs? What makes communication truly effective? These questions have guided my path. I explore the nuances of human psychology, the principles of human-centric design, and the art of public speaking. These pillars form the foundation of Funding Pitchcraft, Impress Every Investor, and the workshops I conduct.

Some figures:

  • 5000+ startup founders and individuals trained
  • 150+ startups helped through consulting
  • 35% success rate (compared to industry average of 5%)

I sit on investor councils and participate in investment discussions. My aim is not to invest but to bridge the gap between investors and founders, ensuring mutual understanding and alignment of goals.

This workshop is the essence of all my years of experience, learning, and teaching. It’s a reflection of who I am and what I love most—helping individuals like you to achieve your dreams.

By the end of the course:

you will understand how to think like an investor, build strong value propositions, and mitigate risks, making your startup an attractive investment.

you will know how to be able to craft and deliver pitches that captivate investors, supported by well-presented financials and key metrics.

You will understand how to confidently handle Q&A sessions, turning challenging questions into opportunities to reinforce your pitch and build trust with investors.